pp108 : Attaching Roles and Resources to Organization Units

Attaching Roles and Resources to Organization Units

This topic describes the procedure to attach roles and resources to organization units in a diagram.

Roles and resources (employee names) can be assigned to organization units. The following steps describe the procedure to add these roles and resources to an organization unit.

  1. Do any one of the following to assign roles and employee names to the selected organization unit:
    • Right-click Organization Unit, select Add Role and assign employee name(s) to the selected role.

      Note: These employee name(s) can be OpenText Process Suite Platform Users. However, the OpenText Process Suite Platform Users can be linked to team only after deploying the organization model and they can also assign the teams to required users.

    • Drag a role from the Project content tree and drop it on the organization unit and assign employee name(s) to the selected role. Alternatively, right-click an organization unit that has a role attached to it and assign employee name(s) to the selected role.
    • Drag and drop a role from the Project content tree onto the organization unit. The role is added to the organization unit.If the organization unit does not have a team lead, then a Should role '...' be set as a lead role? confirm dialog appears. Click Yes to set the role as a Team Lead. The role is displayed on the organization unit block. This indicates that the specified role is the lead or manager of the team from thereon. The members of the team will be reporting to the lead.


    • You can also assign roles to users while assigning teams to them or in CUSP view, My Applications palette, click (User Manager) to assign users to roles or roles to users.
  2. To view the Linked OpenText Process Suite Platform Users associated with a role, access the Application Manager from My Applications in CUSP view and do any one of the following :
    • Expand the role to view the list of linked users.
    • Right-click the role and select Linked OpenText Process Suite Platform Users. The Linked OpenText Process Suite Platform Users tab view appears displaying the properties of this role. The exact effective date and relieving dates are displayed per user. Users who are not effective at the current date, are displayed in orange. If a role is not a lead role, then it is displayed below the Organization Unit. When such a role is expanded, it will show a list of linked users. Employee names which are added in the modeler itself, are displayed in a normal font. OpenText Process Suite Platform Users are displayed in Italic, if a user is not effective, then it is displayed in orange. Refer Linked User interface for more details on the fields and operations that you perform in this context.

      The selected role(s) and resources (employee names) are attached to the selected organization unit.

After you complete this task:
Publish the organization model to run time.

Related information

Understanding Process Platform Roles
Modeling an Organization Structure
Virtual Organization Units